Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday Nov. 7 Online Class Assignment

1. What is at stake? Individuals may get turned down for certain jobs because of the degree or skills criteria. Your motivation may not be as strong and you may feel like giving up because of the let down. There is a lot of pressure from the world to get at least decent enough job to the point where you would be able to take care of your household and finances. It would be twice as hard to get the job you may desire because you don't have the education or degree to back it up. It's kind of intimidating because the overachievers with the better grades and the higher degree would be considered first for the job you may want to partake.

Background: Although it may seem like the applicant with the higher GPA may get the job, it's not necessarily true. Employers looks for more than just a high GPA score, they also look for experience. It is good to have an internship or two on your resume because that could be a key factor on whether you would get the job over someone with a higher grade. Individuals that are involved in organizations and have internships under their belt has a better advantage than someone with just a good GPA. So don't get discouraged because there is plenty you can benefit from being a well-rounded person and lot of companies are looking for that as well as working skills.

2. Old Sentence: A degree doesn't make you a smarter person.
    New Sentence: A master's degree doesn't make you smart than someone with a bachelor's or someone that didn't earn a degree.

3. In order for a student to be considered as an overachiever or smart: they have to take honors classes, be in different societies, be involved in different organizations and community service projects, study everyday, and furthering their education by studying to get their MBA or Ph.D.

I will add that the base of someone that has a degree of higher education is their study skills and habits.

In order for a student to be considered as an overachiever or smart they have to have a plan. They have to possess the study skills and the desire to study. Everyperson is different and for this type of person, these will be one of the many skills. To be able to process information and to be more good with time management.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Both Sides of the Fence

By reading what Bizzell had to say about the process of getting a college education, she does make some valid points. To an extent I think she is right when stating that we can play both fields when it comes down because sometimes it's not going to always be about your way of viewing things. You have to learn how to balance the academic view and your view because at the end of the day you need it to get where you need to be. Now of course, you can keep your your original view during and after education because no one can take away your knowledge. I have to admit that during the course of your college education you mainly have to think of certain facts that would interact with the school's standards. You don't have to forget about what you know, what you believe, or your views on life.

Benefits of Our Own Thoughts

In an article discussing beginnning writers and their views on the world today, we question the benefits of drafting our papers with our own views leading our thought process. There are a couple of benefits pertaining to it that would be very beneficial to how much thought and effort we put into what we're doing. I think that drafting papers with our beliefs in mind would keep us interested and actually become better writers. I would be nice to just write and share what we think of certain things and not what other people think. One benefit is that anyone that is reading the draft can see things from different perspectives. Another benefit is that it could make you a better writer, not only by putting together an interesting topic but by also applying the rules of writing.